Hearing Aid Dispensing and Fitting

Hearing aids can transform your listening experience and improve your quality of life. Our expert team of hearing instrument specialists is dedicated to providing personalized and comprehensive hearing aid services, including precise fitting and dispensing.

How Are Hearing Aids Fitted?

When it comes to fitting hearing aids, our hearing instrument specialists follow a meticulous process to ensure the best performance and comfort. Here is an overview of how we fit hearing aids:

What to Expect

When you visit Wise Hearing for a hearing aid fitting appointment, here’s what you can expect:


Personalized Attention

Our hearing instrument specialists will take the time to understand your specific needs, preferences, and goals. We will listen to your concerns and provide recommendations tailored to your unique hearing situation.


We believe in collaborative decision-making, and we will involve you in every step of the fitting process. We value your input and strive to find hearing aids that align with your lifestyle and communication needs.

Comfort and Satisfaction

Our hearing instrument specialists are committed to ensuring that your hearing aids fit comfortably and effectively. We will make necessary adjustments during the fitting process to achieve the best possible fit, ensuring maximum comfort and satisfaction.

Follow-up Care

At Wise Hearing, our commitment to your hearing health extends beyond the initial fitting. We provide comprehensive follow-up care to ensure that you continue to have a positive hearing aid experience. Our services include:

Adjustments and Fine-tuning

We understand that your hearing needs may change over time. Our hearing instrument specialists will make any necessary adjustments or fine-tune your hearing aids to ensure they continue to meet your changing listening needs.

Maintenance and Repairs

If your hearing aids require maintenance or repairs, our skilled technicians are here to help. We offer reliable and efficient repair services to minimize any inconvenience and keep your hearing aids in optimal condition.

Regular Check-ups

We recommend regular check-ups to monitor your hearing health and the performance of your hearing aids. These appointments provide an opportunity to address any concerns, fine-tune the settings, and ensure that your hearing aids are functioning optimally.

Education and Support

Our hearing instrument specialists will provide ongoing education and support to help you get the most out of your hearing aids. We will offer guidance on communication strategies, hearing aid maintenance, and adjusting to your new hearing experiences.


Trust the experienced team at Wise Hearing

To provide you with exceptional hearing aid fitting and follow-up care. Book an appointment with us today and take the first step toward enjoying clearer, more vibrant hearing. Call your nearest office for an appointment or to learn more.